The Restore-Our-Planet Diet with Patricia Tallman

 In Diet, Environment, Health, Vegan

The Restore-Our-Planet Diet » Listen Now

Date: October 17, 2016

Episode Description

“If everyone on earth were to follow the Western diet, it would require four planet Earths to support the current population.”

– Patricia Tallman.

With increasing awareness of the damage to the environment Patricia Tallman chose to address these issues head on in her book “The Restore-our-Planet Diet”.  She discusses consequences of our prodigious meat and dairy consumption, and a convincing case for a whole-food plant-based diet.  She addresses actions you can take to mitigate climate change, water pollution, rainforest destruction, and water shortages as well as addressing health problems such as such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

 Dr. Risk’s Thoughts

Having been raised to be respectful of the environment, the topic of meat consumption has been in my world for a while.  I am often conflicted, and feel that there is no ONE diet for the entire human race.  I believe we have to take into consideration our genetics, heritage, stress levels, activity levels, illness, and our own personal needs and likes.  In my health journey I have been prescribed diets without having my needs assessed properly, as well as the strong reactions of my body to what was being prescribed.  I have never been attracted to a high protein/meat diet, and don’t do well on it.  I also want to stress that I see others thrive on this diet.  Because of these experiences, I feel we need to explore all options and see how we feel, and what our body is asking for, and recognize that this may change at any time.

I loved this show with Patricia Tallman.  I sought her out to address this raising topic.  I found her information easy to follow, and concise, which will allow anyone to make a disition if being vegan is the right direction for them, or if they are just going to choose “meatless Mondays” as she suggests, to help reduce their carbon footprint.  Remember to find what your body is calling for.

Guest Information

Patricia Tallman

Patricia Tallman has a Doctorate in Water Resources Engineering (University of British Columbia, Canada) and a Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering Sciences (California Institute of Technology, USA). After her post at McMaster University as an Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering, she became a private consultant to natural resource industries.

Despite her educational background and her professional work in environmental policy, Dr. Tallman didn’t make the connection between individual daily actions and global environmental issues until 2003, when she decided to become vegan for ethical and environmental reasons.

In her current speaking engagements and writing, including 10 editorial articles in 2013 for The Vancouver Sun, Dr. Tallman helps people understand the immense value of adopting a plant-based diet for the well-being of our planet and all its inhabitants.

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