Lyme Disease Treatment with Darin Ingels
Lyme Disease Treatment with Darin Ingels » Listen
Date: May 21, 2018
Episode Description
Lyme Disease is a spreading epidemic, infecting 400 000 new people every year in the USA. For many people, antibiotics don’t clear the entire infection and they are left still suffering by the medical system. In his book “The Lyme Solution: A 5-Part Plan to Fight the Inflammatory Autoimmune Response and Beat Lyme Disease”, Darin Ingels has laid out a solution for people to find their way back to health.
Dr. Risk’s Thoughts
Since May is Lyme awareness month, I love to share this information at this time. Lyme is so complicated, and confusing, that it’s important to have information like Dr. Ingels out there to help people understand what they need to do. Treating Lyme disease isn’t just killing bugs, that never works when it’s chronic. There are often complicated layers to dig through. I often tell people that in my own journey, I can’t say there was one thing that helped me, but multiple things that inched me towards my end point of the health I have now.