Great Tide Rising with Kathleen Dean Moore

 In Environment

Great Tide Rising with Kathleen Dean Moore» Listen

Date: January 8, 2018

Episode Description

“When the last forest is cut, when the last salmon is caught, when the last river is dammed, we will sit by the river and weep.”

We are at a time where our environmental awareness has become the upmost importance.  There are dramatic shifts in weather, endangered species and huge impacts on our health.  Kathleen Dean Moore discusses her book “Great Tide Rising” in the hopes to bring awareness, and change to a planet in need.

Dr. Risk’s Thoughts

I had a hard time finding someone who talk on my show about the environment, and its impacts on our health.  Even though we are in an environmental crisis with Global Warming, it seems it is still difficult to talk about how it is impacting us.  The prevalence of Chronic Lyme is growing due to warmer climate allowing ticks to move into areas that they weren’t before.  This is actually a terrifying thought, and I often wonder what else is being affected by our own ignorance as we rape the earth.  I was brought up to do my part, and Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.  I have awareness of where my food comes from, and make attempts to limit my carbon footprint.  I hope that others see how this is affecting us and start to do the same.

Guest Information

Kathleen Dean Moore is an environmental philosopher, climate activist, and writer — the author or co-editor of a dozen books that celebrate and defend the beautiful, reeling world. The most recent is Great Tide Rising: Toward Clarity and Moral Courage in a Time of Planetary Change.  It follows Moral GroundEthical Action for a Planet in Peril, which gathers testimony from the world’s moral leaders about our obligation to the future. Piano Tide, her award-winning new novel, tells the story of a transformative act of resistance to corporate seizure of water in an Alaskan tidewater town. Moore is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Emerita and Senior Fellow of the Spring Creek Project for Ideas, Nature, and the Written Word at Oregon State University. She writes from Corvallis, Oregon and wilderness Alaska, and speaks across the country about the moral urgency of climate action.

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