Poisoned by Chemicals with Alan Bell

 In Adrenal Fatigue, Allergies, Autoimmunity, Cancer, Depression, Detoxing, Environment, Fatigue, Health, Human Rights, Lyme Disease, Mold Toxicity, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Neurotoxicity, Organic, Pain

Poisoned by Chemicals with Alan Bell  » Listen

Date: April 8, 2019

Episode Description


“Environmental Health is a new civil rights issue because it so often violates the rights of low-income people – often people of colour—more than the rights of any other population.”

—​Alan Bell


Alan Bell was poisoned by a sick building.  It took years for him to realize what caused the damage to his body, and why there was no government regulations in place to protect people from chemicals.  After finally finding a diagnosis, and becoming well enough to leave his home, he began advocating for other in similar situations.  Teaming up with other top lawyers—including those portrayed in the films Erin Brockovich—he has helped other victims of environmental toxins.  His book “Poisoned: How a Crime-Busting Prosecutor Turned His Medical Mystery Into a Crusade For Environmental Victims,” tells his story, and explains why we aren’t being protected from these chemicals.

Guest Information

ALAN BELL is an attorney who prosecuted organized crime cases for the State of Florida before being poisoned by his sick office building. He founded the Environmental Health Foundation advocating for victims of environmental injury and teamed up with other top lawyers—including those portrayed in the films Erin Brockovich and A Civil Action—to help other environmentally injured victims in court. His best-selling book, POISONED: How a Crime-Busting Prosecutor Turned His Medical Mystery into a Crusade for Environmental Victims, puts a human face on the toxic dangers assaulting us in our everyday environments. It is endorsed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Harvard Law Professor, Alan Dershowitz. His work has been supported by former Vice President Al Gore and Gene Cernan, the Commander of Apollo 17. As a former victim, survivor, health advocate, and legal avenger, Bell offers an aerial view of one of the most important global health issues of our time.

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