Adrenal Fatigue with Dr. James Wilson
Adrenal Fatigue » Listen Now
Date: July 11, 2016
Episode Description
Dr. Risk is joined by Dr. James Wilson, who coined the term “adrenal fatigue”. Now a common topic among those have chronic stress and illness, it can still remain controversial in conventional medicine. Our society is continually sending us down a rabbit hole that leads to stress and we are ignoring the bigger picture of the damage it is doing to our bodies. Most people are finding they have to go outside their healthcare system to health from stress and adrenal fatigue. In his book Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome Dr.Wilson explains this syndrome, and helps you find our way out of the cycle. Join us for this informative episode.
Dr. Risk’s Thoughts
In my own health journey, one of the first things that had to be addressed was the obvious adrenal fatigue. My first source of information was Dr. Wilson’s book, and I continue to use his teachings in my everyday practice. I feel it is important for anyone with a chronic illness, or even chronic stress to assess themselves to see if their adrenals are part of the complex. If the cortisol (stress hormones) levels are off due to adrenal fatigue, you won’t be able to heal from your illness or stress no matter what else you do. Even though I have been treating adrenal fatigue for so long, I found this interview with Dr. Wilson enlightening and entertaining!
Guest Information
James L. Wilson, DC, ND, PhD
For almost 40 years, Dr. James L. Wilson has dedicated himself to helping people regain their health and vitality, and to promoting a deeper understanding of the key roles stress and adrenal function play in health conditions from menopause to cardiac arrest. In 1998 he coined the term “adrenal fatigue” to describe a distinct, diagnosable syndrome and his popular book, Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome, has been translated into seven languages. Dr. Wilson is the President of ICA Health and creator of Doctor Wilson’s Original Formulations, a unique line of stress supplements used by doctors around the world.