Enough As She Is With Rachel Simmons
Enough As She Is With Rachel Simmons » Listen
Date: June 18, 2018
Episode Description
Our girls today are trying to “have it all.” They are mothers, daughters, friends, partners academics, volunteers, professionals and athletes, and must be the best of the best. What we aren’t talking about is the toll this pressure is taking on them, and what they can do about it. In her book “Enough as She Is,” Rachel Simmons is bringing to light the stress and pressure girls are under, and how we can change that as parents, and as a society.
Dr. Risk’s Thoughts
It’s important for us to remember the stress we are putting on kids. Although planning for the future is important, so is living in the present and enjoying our lives. I remember a lot of stress about school when I was younger, and the pressure that put on me. I always felt I had to be the best at everything, and achieve the best marks. When things didn’t land they I wanted them to, it was very difficult to get my head around it. The first time I found compassion for myself is when I realized how sick I was with my Lyme and how well I had done despite these challenges. I don’t think it should come to this before we find self compassion, I think it should be taught.