Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts with Karen Kleiman

 In Anxiety, Depression, Health, Mental Health, Women's Health

Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts with Karen Kleiman » Listen

Date: September 16, 2019

Episode Description

Women’s who have had a baby are often told their anxiety and depression are just the baby blues.  Although this can be the case, in many cases the feelings extend longer than they should, or are all consuming in their lives.  Karen Kleiman has over 30 years experience counselling women and couples in this situation, and she is educating women about what is normal, and when to seek help.  Her new book “Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts: A Healing Guide to the Secret Fears of New Mothers,” is often humorous, and very informative helping women identify their anxiety and learn to live with it better.

Guest Information

Karen Kleiman is a well-known international maternal mental-health expert, with over thirty years of experience. As an advocate and author, her work has been featured on the internet and within the perinatal mental health community for decades. In 1988, Karen founded The Postpartum Stress Center, a treatment and training facility for prenatal and postpartum depression and anxiety disorders, where she treats individuals and couples.

Karen has been interviewed for, featured in, and reviewed by local and national TV, magazines, radio shows, and health websites. Her national television appearances include KatieInside EditionThe Oprah Winfrey Show, and NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw. A few popular magazines and websites that have featured her work or interviewed her include Self, Fit Pregnancy, HuffPost, Today’sParent, ParentingWorking Mother,, and Mothering.

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