Sugar Addiction with Nancy Appleton
Sugar Addiction » Listen Now
Date: July 25, 2016
Episode Description
No one in mainstream America knew to ask if diet could affect my health. None of the doctors ever asked me, “What do you put in your mouth?” -Nancy Appleton
After being sick for years, and taking various medications, Nancy Appleton PhD realized that sugar addiction was at the root cause of her symptoms. It is estimated that each person consumes 150lbs of sugar a year! Since sugar is in most packaged foods, drinks and sauces, addiction is common, and the amount we are eating isn’t always known. In Nancy Appleton’s book “Suicide By Sugar” she explains the effects sugar has on a person’s health, as well as the difficulty of this addiction. Tune in to learn what sugar is doing to your health, and how to quit.
Dr. Risk’s Thoughts
I have counselled thousands of people to cut sugar out of their diet. For me, when I was 21 I had to do the same, and the cravings were almost debilitating at the time. The realization that addiction can go so far into our food and daily lives is extremely humbling. Many of my patients make these claims, as they realize how much sugar is added to the products they are using every day. On occasion, I’ve had patients tell me sugar won’t be an issue, then come back to me awe-struck at how much they were consuming. I think most of us will continue to battle this addiction, as it is everywhere, and seems to be taboo to avoid it. In my first year quitting, not only did I feel I was surrounded by sugar, but I would get comments like, “Just one piece won’t hurt.” Yes, yes it will. Nancy Appleton’s passion about this shows in the interview, and I am thankful she is continuing to bring light to this issue.
Guest Information
Nancy Appleton PhD has been researching and writing about the perils of sugar in the modern diet for more than 40 years. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition from UCLA and went on to a PhD from Walden University. She has authored several bestselling books on sugar and other food issues: Lick the Sugar Habit, Stopping Inflammation, Suicide by Sugar and Killer Colas. She retired from her consulting practice to focus on writing. She lives in San Diego.